Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this thread. This is my first post on here.
Im a 37 year old guy who didnt take any medication or treatments before my transplant.
I had a 3000 graft fue hair transplant in late july last year {2012} I had most of it done on the crown and also at the front around the temples....so about 6 months on Im noticing some growth {mostly around the crown}...the front around the temples has more growth one one side than the other but Ive read that growth in certain areas/sides of the head can take longer than others. Im hoping for quite a bit more growth in the future.
I have a few questions regarding the medicine I was prescribed to take for the 6 months after the transplant. Ive been taking: finasteride, keraglo men/forte, and minoxidil 5%.
I am almost finishing my medication. Is it a wise idea to continue to take finasteride,keraglo men and minoxidil?
Am I going to be taking them for the rest of my life?
I brought 1 bottle of minoxidil {MINOXIDIL 5% SPECTRAL.MX5 from DS Laboraties} just in case I run out but noticed it says its only for use on the crown/vertex...can I mix one type of minoxidil for the crown/vertex then use another type which is suitable for the frontal head/temples? or is that a silly idea?
Thanks for any answers or advice..I appreciate it.